Can I Really Homeschool a Unique Learner?

This homeschooling blog was originally published in The Canadian Homeschool Minute – a division of The Old School House Magazine. July 25, 2018. The decision to homeschool isn’t an easy decision. The decision to homeschool your unique learner is even more...

Laziness, Late Bloomer, or Learning Disability?

Laziness, Late Bloomer, or Learning Disability? This is the question! As parents, this question churns around in our mind over and over again. As we watch our child interact with others, work at their addition and multiplication facts, and attempt to sound out words...

Identify Your Child's Learning Strengths


All kids learn differently. That was true for all five of mine, and I know it's true for yours. Do you want to know one of the secrets to overcome learning struggles? Learn how they learn best! This infographic will help you identify and zone in on your child's learning strengths. Want it?

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