Interactive Metronome

Timing is important for playing a musical instrument, for playing sports, and also for excelling at academic skills.  Interactive Metronome’s compelling games keep your child motivated and engaged while providing auditory and visual feedback as they improve their timing and scores.

Interactive Metronome is a therapeutic, computer training program that improves attention, concentration, working memory, motor planning and sequencing.

Improve your child’s attention and working memory, processing speed and more!

Many research studies show that for learning to occur, the student must be able to do three things effectively:

  1. hold bits of information actively in working memory
  2. update the information in working memory as needed
  3. self- direct attention ONLY to what is important!

These critical learning skills are all governed by our brain’s internal clock, or its ability to perceive time and produce precisely timed actions.

My teenage daughter was enrolled in the Interactive Metronome program with GeerLINKS. It was entirely remote due to COVID. Although my daughter struggled with the program, Diane was a true professional – with constant encouragement, patience, and flexibility, she was able to support my daughter through all the challenges she faced with a positive attitude, great advice, and helped her successfully complete the program.  She was a pleasure to work with and the program made a great difference in my daughter’s learning.

Kelly Black

Brampton, ON

The IM interactive computer-based program provides a structured, goal-oriented training process that challenges the student to synchronize a range of whole-body exercises to a precise computer-generated beat. People from all walks of life, including sport professionals have used this intervention to improve these skills in order to be on top of their game.  Actually, we are sure that we all could benefit from this customized program!

At GeerLINKS, we offer the IM-Home option, so you can provide this therapeutic program from the comforts of your home and with our therapist’s supervision. After our initial screening assessment, our team may recommend IM-Home as a suitable intervention for your child.

Once you’ve purchased the IM-Home system, our therapist will set up the program remotely. IM sessions are purchased in 30 session blocks.

At-home sessions are typically 30-45 minutes each with a frequency schedule of five times a week, monitored by you, the parent. Each block includes computerized measurements of achievement, as well as regular remote consultations with our trained therapist.

IM-Home is an excellent complement to our NILD Educational Therapy® program. It can be done simultaneously with educational therapy or added as a summer intervention program.

Let’s chat. Our team at GeerLINKS is ready to help your child improve their game!






Identify Your Child's Learning Strengths


All kids learn differently. That was true for all five of mine, and I know it's true for yours. Do you want to know one of the secrets to overcome learning struggles? Learn how they learn best! This infographic will help you identify and zone in on your child's learning strengths. Want it?

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