Homeschool Support

We, at GeerLINKS, are homeschool supporters. We are your cheerleaders. We are here to help you, the parent, provide the best homeschool plan for your student. We are here to offer individual support for your child. Whether you are looking for a consultation, a screening assessment or enrolling in educational therapy, we’re here to support your homeschool. 

Unique Homeschool Mom Membership

Homeschooling is a viable educational option for all your children, but especially for your child that learns differently, for your struggling learner, for your unique learner. With the right support and the right program, your child can succeed, reach their potential, and become an independent and lifelong learner.

We’ve experienced this first-hand ourselves. We’ve heard this from many other parents. Our educational therapy students will tell you how homeschooling has changed their life.  

Perhaps you’ve been watching your child with some wonder through the years. First, they struggled with remembering colour names, then letter names. Or perhaps, it seemed they didn’t seem to hear you when you asked them to do a task. You feel exasperated. Is homeschooling really a good alternative for this child?

Perhaps you’ve homeschooled all your children for many years. And now, you find yourself at a crossroad with this child. You’ve tried everything. The puzzle pieces just don’t seem to fit. This child is brilliant in some areas, but when it comes to reading or writing or math, it is a daily battle. Will homeschooling really work, even for this child?

Perhaps you’ve watched your child struggle academically throughout the elementary years and little by little, you saw their joy of learning vanish and their demeaner change and their confidence depleted. They just gave up. Is it even possible for me, the parent, to homeschool this child?

We say YES, you can homeschool this child. You can throw out a life preserver and rescue your child!

An individual program plan with a parent who is lovingly invested can make all the difference!

In fact, homeschooling is a great choice for your unique learner. Homeschooling offers the individual support that your child needs. You become their resource teacher, their support worker, their cheerleader. After all, you know your child best. You’ve been there from the beginning. You’ve seen the joy of learning stripped away. You’ve also seen the sparkle in their eye and the joy on their face when they achieved a new skill. You can do this!


At GeerLINKS, we offer homeschooling support in these areas:

  1. Consultation – Book your personal consultation, with our director, Diane Geerlinks.
  2. Assessment – Book your child’s screening assessment and/or a psycho-educational assessment.
  3. At-Home Interventions – Implement Interactive Metronome and Integrated Listening programs at home, supervised by one of our therapists, but administered by you, the parent.
  4. NILD Educational Therapy – Enroll in this proven individualized therapy intervention to address underlying perceptual difficulties and help your child become an independent learner.
  5. Parent Support – Join our coaching membership and receive monthly video lessons, pdf handouts, guest interviews and Q&A with Diane.
  6. Like our Facebook Page: GeerLINKS Educational Therapy, and join our Facebook group: Homeschooling Your Unique Learner.  Meet other homeschool parents and share ideas and resources!

Each of our educational therapists at GeerLINKS have had personal experience with homeschooling and agree that homeschooling is a great option for your unique learner!

As a homeschooling family, when one of your children begins to have learning struggles it can feel overwhelming. It was a providential blessing to find GeerLINKS and we have now used their services for two of our children. The screening and assessments were incredibly useful in defining and zeroing in on the specific issues that affected my children. I was so grateful to find clarity to address my children’s struggles rather than spending my energy shooting around in the dark trying many and various exhausting ideas. Not only did my children find real help at GeerLINKS, but they had fun doing it!

Tricia Versteeg

Chatsworth, ON

I know you have questions. We understand that some of these questions keep you awake at night. You want the best for your child! We are here to help!

Remember: Homeschooling is a privilege! You know your child’s needs best. We are here to support you and guide you on this journey.

A personal note from Diane Geerlinks:

I am passionate about supporting homeschool parents!

After 25 years of homeschooling our own 5 children and experiencing first-hand the strengths and weaknesses of each of our children, I continued my education and trained as a Professionally Certified Educational Therapist through National Institute for Learning Development Canada and established GeerLINKS Educational Therapy.

I personally experienced how challenging homeschooling can be when a child doesn’t ‘catch’ the lessons, even though you have taught it over and over. It is now my desire to see every homeschool parent of unique learners supported, and every unique learner reach their dreams.

Let’s chat! Contact us to schedule a screening assessment or consultation so you can get on the path to success!

Once my son was on board with learning, we started NILD educational therapy with GeerLINKS. During the first bunch of sessions I needed to swallow my pride and not say “I already taught you that!” His therapist, Jeremy, skillfully meets my teenage son right where he is at and knows just how much to work his brain. My son laughs during the session’s varied activities, but his brain is tired after the mental workout, just like it should be. His grade testing has really improved, but more than that, he has learned thinking strategies, and how to think about his thinking. It has definitely been worth the commute and the money.

Joanne Kress

Lucan, ON

Identify Your Child's Learning Strengths


All kids learn differently. That was true for all five of mine, and I know it's true for yours. Do you want to know one of the secrets to overcome learning struggles? Learn how they learn best! This infographic will help you identify and zone in on your child's learning strengths. Want it?

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